The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 gave rise to the CMS Quality Payment Program. In 2017 CMS provided options that allow clinicians to avoid penalties under MACRA fairly easily. CMS released a Proposed Rule for the Quality Payment Program for the 2018 reporting year in June of 2017....
Posted by
admin on Aug 14, 2017 in
Dr. Stearns |
The University of Texas at Austin Health Information Technology (HIT) Certificate Program has reached a milestone. Earlier this year the number of students to graduate from the program has exceeded 1000. Approximately 50 to 55 students graduate from each class and the program is offered three times each...
Posted by
admin on Nov 13, 2014 in
Dr. Stearns |
Video of panel discussion from 2011 ▶ CFP11 Day 1 Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchanges – YouTube This plenary will “draw back the curtain” to examine how electronic health records (EHRs) and data exchanges will affect privacy in the US. The federal government is...
Posted by
admin on Nov 4, 2014 in
Dr. Stearns |
Michael Stearns, MD coauthored an article that was published in the Journal of AHIMA in November 2014 that compares ICD-10-CM to SNOMED CT. A link to the article is available here (scroll down to “What’s the Difference” and you can go directly to the full article with AHIMA log in...
The Ebola virus is present in blood, saliva, mucous, vomit, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine, nasal secretions, and semen. It can live for several hours on common services like door handles and clothing. It can survive for several days within body fluids such as blood. Ebola’s primary symptoms...
Posted by
admin on Sep 16, 2014 in
Dr. Stearns |
Imagine being able to merely glance in the direction of a stranger and then instantly access everything about them that is available online including their address, age, date of birth, political affiliation, comments made about them on-line (truthful or not) criminal records, relationship status, and other...